Looking Back
Hey Blog, it's me again. I promise this is the last time I speak about this first blog. If been a lot, lots of learning in the process but there have definitely been some difficulties. During this project, I learned how to use capcut. Some of the things I learned from CapCut are the basics of editing, adding music, exporting, and adding text and media. This may sound stupid but I also learned that if your email storage is too full you cannot send or receive emails. I learned this after weeks of none of my emails coming through and I was having difficulties transferring things from my phone to my laptop. The last piece of technology I would say I learned to use was YouTube and Blogger. This was weird a little to me since I use these apps but I didn't know how simple it is a upload a video onto YouTube. I wish I could say the same about the simplicity of embedding the video into YouTube. As with anything good in life, it takes time. The better you want your video to become the...