Filming Second Half

 The rest of scenes 3 and 4 went pretty smoothly. There were very few interruptions. I think the hardest part was figuring out what camera angle Kaydiane was going to record from so we could use a variety of them. Scene 5 had way too much dialogue. Kaydiane and I were very repetitive and ended up cutting it down to only 2 or 3 people saying their lines. It just didn't flow with all the extra dialogue and lines we had in the script. Also being that our film can't surpass more than two minutes it was making this one clip a lot longer than we needed it it be. In scene two Keron mentions how Christel's sister died last year. Apparently, this was so funny to everyone. If it wasn't Keron, it was Avione, Lynn, or someone laughing at his statement. Of course, this slowed us down a bit more. Before the next part of the scene, I warned everyone that we HAD to get this right. There were only 3 boxes that were wrapped because we needed more wrapping paper. Therefore, we could not be restarting and taking more than 3 takes. At all, we reach the last few seconds of our film. But these were the most important few seconds. And besides scene 1 this took the longest to shoot. Keron didn't know how to stand up apparently. Then Chatae was complaining about bugs outside. But the worst part of this all was that will all the things delaying us many of us had to get home. Parents were calling seriously because their texts weren't being answered. Since we started so late we also finished a lot later than expected. But in the end, we got it done. 


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