First Half of Filming

"Hurry up and eat!" "We need to start filming!" I said as it was nearing 8:30. We were 2 hours behind schedule. I told everyone to look at their lines once more than we started. In our first scene, most of us were outside while Christel was inside. Kaydiane and I instructed everyone to simply come inside to say 'Happy birthday" and maybe give Christel a hug. We also insisted on not taking too long because our film can not be longer than 2 minutes and we need time to fit the rest of the scenes in the video. This one scene took 5 or 6 different takes. One of the takes (I believe the 4th take) was perfect, however, Keron cursed being that this is supposed to be a school-appropriate film we had to reshoot. In this scene, I also told Chatae (who's playing the missing sister) to stand in the back so we hopefully catch her in the background with the camera so it's like a"  what's that?" moment to the audience. 

For the second scene, we gave everyone a specific order to sit for the uno game based on the script. We also scripted the cards since there supposed to be multiple draws two's that are supposed to be placed.  I'm not sure how many seconds this took us but I can tell you it was too many. Many of the take were quiet, vague, and just very unnatural. Then some were too natural with us laughing and speaking over one of each other. In some scenes, we just couldn't be serious enough and stared at a train of laughter. This continued on for all the other scenes too. 

At this point, Kaydiane was getting a little annoyed but it's not anything she didn't except being that we are all just kids. 

I just got out of surgery and not feeling good at all. Yes, the surgery went well but my stomach hurts really bad. I'll finish updating you guys tomorrow. Good night. 


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