Wrapping It All Up
After reshooting we all cleaned up and ate. To treat our actors we took them to the movies afterwards since we finished filming at around 7:30.
The next day was all about filming. We added in our first scene with the establishing shot. Then added a transition to where Christel opened the door for everyone to come in. We exchanged some of our clips to add the ones we refilmed. Then we had to do a lot of cutting and speeding up. We also switched the scene of Christel's reading to note to our new one to cut down on time.
After that, we fixed the audio to add so to the beginning new scene. We also changed the font for our words like the actors to be seen more clearly. After making the font more bold we increased the size. We also increased the voice of our actors because my classmates and friends told me it was hard to hear them.
Then I showed my classmates to see if there was anything else I could improve. They told me it was really good and I think I'm ready to submit. I hope you all love Kaydiane's and finally the video. After two months of planning and filming, I can confidently say I think we did pretty good. We even made jokes about being in the movie industry we did do good. I just hope you all agree and can say the same. Stay tuned for my next vlog to see it.
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